The Honeyguide's revenge
Zulu folktale
Wiehan de Jager

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Nandini eagerly watched everything that Gingile
was doing. He was waiting for him to leave a fat piece of honeycomb as a
thank-you offering to the Honeyguide. Nandini
flittered from branch to branch, closer and closer to the ground. Finally Gingile reached the bottom of the tree. Nandini perched on a rock near the boy and waited for his


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But, Gingile put out
the fire, picked up his spear and started walking home, ignoring the bird. Nandini called out angrily, "VIC-torr!
VIC-torrr!" Gingile
stopped, stared at the little bird and laughed aloud. "You want some
honey, do you, my friend? Ha! But I did all the work, and got all the stings.
Why should I share any of this lovely honey with you?" Then he walked
off. Nandini was furious! This was no way to treat
him! But he would get his revenge.


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One day several weeks later Gingile again heard the honey call of the Nandini. He remembered the delicious honey, and eagerly
followed the bird once again. After leading Gingile
along the edge of the forest, Nandini stopped to
rest in a great umbrella thorn. "Ahh,"
thought Gingile. "The hive must be in this
tree." He quickly made his small fire and began to climb, the smoking
branch in his teeth. Nandini sat and watched.


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Before Leopard could take a swipe at Gingile, he rushed down the tree. In his hurry he missed
a branch, and landed with a heavy thud on the ground twisting his ankle. He
hobbled off as fast as he could. Luckily for him, Leopard was still too
sleepy to chase him. Nandini, the Honeyguide, had
his revenge. And Gingile learned his lesson.


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And so, when the children of Gingile hear the story of Nandini
they have respect for the little bird. Whenever they harvest honey, they make
sure to leave the biggest part of the comb for Honeyguide!

You are free to download, copy, translate or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you attribute in the following way:
The Honeyguide's revenge
Author - Zulu folktale
Adaptation - Doma DEDF
Illustration - Wiehan de Jager
Language - English
Level - Read aloud