Tcgãyas Áís Koe Ko Síí Sa
Ursula Nafula
Catherine Groenewald

Mother was finishing packing her clothes in a small bag. Aí sa ko gaas di qgáían dtcobe-coas koe tcana xg'ara.


As she went out the door, she hugged me and said, "Bye for now."Eẽs ko nquu-kg'm koe tcg'oa kas ko xgabe te, a sa a máá: "Qãèse qaù," témé.


"Where are you going, mum?" I looked up at her as I asked. Ra ghùikg'ai kose tẽe si a máá: "Aíè, nda sia ko qõò," témé.


I started to cry wanting to follow her but dad lifted me up on his shoulder. Ra kò tshoa-tshoa a kg'ae, còo si kgoanar hãa khama, igabagam Papa ba ghùi te, a quu te.


Dad said, "Your mother is going to the hospital to have a baby."


When I heard "baby" I stopped crying and looked at him. "Why is she going to get the baby from the hospital?" I asked him.


Dad sat me on a small chair and said, "I will tell you why she is going to get the baby from the hospital."


I listened keenly to him as he explained although I didn't quite understand why she wasn't having the baby at home. When dad finished explaining, I asked, "Will she still love me when she comes back with the other baby?"


My dad held me close and said, "We will always love you."


"Can I write a letter to her while she is there?" I asked dad.


That evening, I began to write a letter to mum.


I tore a paper from my exercise book and began to write.


"Mummy, mummy, dad said that you have gone to bring another baby."


Please hurry up and return home.


I want you to bring a baby girl, so I can play with her when she grows up.


You can bring two so one can be mine.


I am waiting for you here outside our house.


I folded my letter so I could give it to my father to bring it to mum. When I woke up the following morning, the letter was gone.

You are free to download, copy, translate or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you attribute in the following way:
Tcgãyas Áís Koe Ko Síí Sa
Author - Ursula Nafula
Translation - Naro Language Project
Illustration - Catherine Groenewald
Language - Naro
Level - First paragraphs