Vegetables are good for us!
Busile Cynthia Ndlovu
Tammi Mbambo
Spinach is a leafy vegetable. Its leaves grow above the soil.
You can eat it cooked and raw.
Spinach is good for everyone.
Vegetables are good for us!
Cabbage is another leafy vegetable that grows above the soil.
Cabbage is good when raw in salads and when cooked.
Rich and poor people should eat cabbage for healthy bodies.
Carrots are root vegetables. They grow under the soil.
Carrots are usually orange. They bring colour to our food.
Carrots keep our eyes healthy.
Another root vegetable is beetroot. It is usually dark red in colour.
Beetroot is most often eaten cooked, but you can eat it raw.
Beetroot keeps our hearts healthy.
Pumpkins grow on top of the soil.
We usually cook pumpkin. It is yellow, green or orange in colour and has many seeds.
Pumpkin helps our bodies to stay healthy.
Tomatoes grow on a bush or vine.
They are green while growing and usually bright red when ripe. They are round or oval in shape. They are good eaten raw and cooked.
Tomatoes have many health benefits. They can also be used for medicinal purposes.
Potato has an underground stem called a tuber.
Potatoes are mostly oval in shape with a brown skin, and white inside.
Potatoes must be cooked before you eat them.
Onion is a bulbous vegetable that grows underground. It is usually white inside.
Onions are cooked and eaten raw (in small amounts).
This vegetable helps to protect our bodies from diseases.
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Vegetables are good for us!
Author/s: Busile Cynthia Ndlovu
Translator/s: Busile Cynthia Ndlovu
Illustrator/s: Tammi Mbambo
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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