Naka and Nala talk about water
Eric Khorombi
Simon Mokoena
Naka and Nala are learning about water.
“Water has no colour and no taste, yet it’s a precious resource!” exclaims Nala.
Naka agrees, “People use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and farming.”
“And for making things in factories,” adds Nala.
“Over half of the human body is made up of water!
“Our bodies need water to work. All living things need water,” says Naka.
“Most of the earth is covered with water, in rivers, lakes, and seas,” says Nala.
Naka nods, “Over two thirds of our planet is water.”
“But most of the water on the earth is salt water.
Only a tiny amount is fresh water, which is what humans need,” says Naka.
“Salt water contains salt, and it’s difficult and expensive to remove salt from water.
But, humans can’t drink salt water!” exclaims Naka.
“Yes, that’s why we must look after earth's fresh water sources.
We must not pollute rivers and lakes with waste or rubbish,” says Nala.
“Let’s study the water cycle.
It’s a process where water moves up from the earth into the air and collects in clouds,” says Naka.
Nala adds, “Water in the clouds falls to earth as rain, hail, or snow.”
Naka exclaims, “I’m thirsty, I need some water!”
Nala responds, “Yes, your brain needs water to think and learn! Water is life, treat it right.”


  1. Who needs fresh water? Why?
  2. List 5 uses of fresh water.
  3. How can we look after fresh water on the earth?
  4. Is the earth’s water mostly fresh or mostly salty? Explain.
  5. Draw the water cycle. Use words from the story to explain what happens.
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Naka and Nala talk about water
Author/s: Eric Khorombi
Translator/s: Eric Khorombi
Illustrator/s: Simon Mokoena
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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