My big sister is sick
Lerato Tsotetsi
Omphemetse Patient Ramatlhatse
My sister’s name is Resego.
She is two years older than me.
She is my big sister.
Resego helps me to put on my school clothes in the morning.
She walks to school with me every day.
But today, Resego is not feeling well.
My big sister is sick.
Oh no! What am I going to do?
I am not happy at all!
On my way to school, I met Tumi.
We walked together.
This made me feel a little better.
At school, my teacher sang a song to me.
This made me feel happy.
At play time, Boipelo played with me.
This made me feel happier.
By the end of the day, I was the happiest girl at school.
I cannot wait to tell my sister about my day!
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: My big sister is sick
Author/s: Lerato Tsotetsi
Translator/s: Lerato Tsotetsi
Illustrator/s: Omphemetse Patient Ramatlhatse
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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