Lihle and Lwandle in autumn
Sara Mohale
Busisiwe Ndlovu
Lihle and Lwandle travelled to their grandmother’s farm in Vhembe.
This is their first visit to a farm.
They wake up hearing strange sounds outside their window!
“Good morning, Granny! What is that odd noise outside?”
“Good morning! It is a rooster, its job is to wake us,” smiles Granny.
“It is still dark outside, but it’s later than you think.
In autumn, the sun rises later and sets earlier than in summer,” says Granny.
Granny continues, “In autumn, the weather becomes cooler. But it’s still much warmer than winter.”
“We don’t need our winter clothes yet,” agrees Lwandle.
“In autumn, you will see many of the plants change colour and begin to dry out.
We have nearly finished harvesting our crops,” says Granny.
“In autumn, we harvest beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and spinach,” says Granny.
“Tonight, we will have fresh farm vegetables for supper,” she adds.
“Instead of always buying vegetables, we’d like to grow them at home in the city,” says Lihle.
“Good idea! I’ll teach you,” promises Granny.
Lwandle asks, “Granny, do you grow fruit? Watermelon is my favourite fruit!”
Granny laughs, “We have just harvested a large crop of sweet watermelons!”
“By autumn, animals born or hatched in spring have grown, and we sell some of them.
Our animals give us milk, eggs, and meat,” says Granny proudly.
“We’ll have fresh eggs for breakfast, and then work in the vegetable garden,” smiles Granny.
Lihle and Lwandle are excited to garden with Granny!


  1. In autumn, what changes are happening to:
    • plants?
    • temperatures?
    • sunrise and sunset?
    • animals?
  2. What happens on Granny’s farm in this season?
  3. Is autumn in the story the same or different to this season where you live? Explain.
  4. What skills can Lihle and Lwandle learn from Granny?
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Lihle and Lwandle in autumn
Author/s: Sara Mohale
Translator/s: Sara Mohale
Illustrator/s: Busisiwe Ndlovu
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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