Yebo and the Giant
Ntombifuthi Ncwayiba
Kamogelo Matlawe
Yebo and his parents lived in a forest.
In the same area, there lived Zim-zim, a giant. Zim-zim was known for eating children.
Sikwebu, Yebo’s father, was a hunter. When he returned home, he called, “Yebo! Yebo! Come meet me my child.”
Yebo would run out to meet his father.
Zim-zim saw all this.
Zim-zim tried to imitate Sikwebu, “Yebo! Yebo! Come meet me my child.”
He knew he didn’t sound like Sikwebu.
“How can I change my voice?” he wondered.
Zim-zim sought help from a wizard.
“How can I change my voice to a human one?” he asked.
“Heat an axe until it is red hot, then swallow it whole,” the wizard advised.
Zim-zim went home and swallowed a hot axe.
Then he called out, “Yebo! Yebo! Come meet me my child.”
No! His voice did not sound like Sikwebu’s voice. It was too deep.
The unhappy Zim-zim returned to the wizard.
“What must I do to get a small, human voice?” he asked.
“This time, heat up an axe for a whole night and in the morning, swallow it whole,” answered the wizard.
After doing what he was told, Zim-zim went and called, “Yebo! Yebo! Come meet me my child.”
His voice was exactly the same as Sikwebu’s. Yebo rushed outside.
But it was not his father.
Yebo realised his mistake too late!
He tried to run back inside, but Zim-zim easily caught him.
He carried Yebo like a log and took him deep into the forest.
Soon, Sikwebu got home and called, “Yebo! Yebo! Come meet me my child.”
Yebo's mother replied, “You already called for him.”
They realised that their child had been taken by Zim-zim.
Sikwebu took his hunting stick and went into the forest to look for his son.
From a distance, he saw Zim-zim sprawled sleeping on the riverbank. He had a large sack next to him.
Sikwebu sneaked up on Zim-zim. He swung the long stick and hit the giant hard on the head.
Zim-zim jumped up from sleep, confused, he ran into the forest.
Sikwebu untied the sack and freed Yebo.
Sikwebu hugged his son, happy to be reunited with him. Yebo was happy to see his father.
They forgot about Zim-zim and returned home.
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Yebo and the Giant
Author/s: Ntombifuthi Ncwayiba
Translator/s: Ntombifuthi Ncwayiba
Illustrator/s: Kamogelo Matlawe
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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