Stylish lady
Esther Maluleke
Catherine Groenewald
Uncle Rhulani and Singita are on their way to the shopping mall.
Singita stares out of the window, watching people walking past.
Singita thinks, “When I am grown up, I want to look like that lady with beautiful long braids.”
“That lady’s wide red belt matches her orange dress so well,” thinks Singita.
“She has a cute handbag. I wonder what she carries in her little bag,” thinks Singita.
“It must be difficult to walk fast while wearing those high-heel shoes!” thinks Singita.
The lady stops to look at hats.
“I wish she would buy that smart yellow hat in the window,” thinks Singita.
As Uncle Rhulani and Singita pass, the lady is arranging her hair.
Her handbag slips from under her arm and falls.
But before the handbag touches the pavement, the lady swoops down and catches it!
The lady smiles to herself and her earrings sparkle in the light.
Singita smiles to herself.
The car moves on, and she slowly loses sight of the stylish lady.
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Stylish lady
Author/s: Esther Maluleke
Translator/s: Esther Maluleke
Illustrator/s: Catherine Groenewald
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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 BY   – Credit must be given to the creator