Wise Queen
Tshedza Tlhako
Busisiwe Ndlovu
Queen Lufuno ruled the land of Roswika.
Queen Lufuno was a good and kind ruler.
She was extremely wise too.
The queen treated everyone in Roswika as equal.
In return, people loved her very much.
Maluṱa was one of Queen Lufuno’s trusted advisers.
Maluṱa’s husband, Tshidino, did not like Queen Lufuno’s kindness. He didn’t like the way people praised her.
He said, “What does Lufuno have that I don’t have? I can rule better than her.”
One day, Queen Lufuno and Maluṱa were discussing the best way to distribute water to the people.
They disagreed with each other and argued.
This angered Maluṱa. When she got home, she went straight to her husband.
“Queen Lufuno and I disagreed over water distribution,” she said bitterly.
Tshidino thought to himself, “I could do much better if I was the king.”
He encouraged his wife’s ill-feeling towards the queen.
The next day, Tshidino gathered the village people for a meeting.
He said to them, “We can’t be ruled by a woman. I will be a better king.”
People who had gathered thought about Tshidino’s words.
They did not agree with him.
Someone said, “The queen is considerate. She has built schools for our children.”
Another said, “We have fields to farm, and she ensures that everyone has water. She is a good leader.”
A third person added, “We have been ruled by different people. I have never seen a wise one like Queen Lufuno. Kings from other places come here to ask her for advice.”
When Tshidino heard this, he went home feeling furious.
Maluṱa said to him, “The people of Roswika have spoken. You will have to accept the people’s wishes.”
When the queen heard about this, she smiled.
She didn’t punish Tshidino because she knew that she had won.
When people are peaceful, successful, and happy, they will support their leaders.
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Wise Queen
Author/s: Tshedza Tlhako
Translator/s: Tshedza Tlhako
Illustrator/s: Busisiwe Ndlovu
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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