Sello speaks Sign Language
Tebogo Matshana
Tebogo Matshana
My sister, Sello, is Deaf.
She communicates in Sign Language. When we wake up, we greet each other. We sign, “Good morning!”
When we feed our fish, Sello signs to them.
“Hello, how are you?” she asks.
She chats to them in Sign Language.
When I’ve been waiting outside the bathroom for ages, I flicker the bathroom light many times.
I’m telling Sello, “Hey, it’s my turn already!”
We sweep the stoep and pick weeds from the garden.
“Look, a little worm!” I sign to Sello.
We are studying worms at school.
Later in the day, our mom sends us out.
“Please buy milk and sugar, I will bake a cake,” she signs.
When we get to the road, I start walking across it.
Sello grabs my arm. She signs to me, “Wait! Remember to check first!”
At the shop, we separate. Sello finds sugar, I find milk.
The sugar is on a shelf that’s far too high for Sello.
She asks a grown-up for help. But the grown-up cannot understand Sign Language.
Sello writes him question on a notepad she has with her.
At home, we bake a cake with mom.
When it’s cooled, we ice the cake.
“Delicious!” Sello signs as she tastes the icing.
We make some tea and serve our grandma.
“Thank you,” signs our gran.
“Only a pleasure,” signs my sister.
After tea, we clear the table.
“You’re washing the dishes!” Sello signs.
That night, we hug before bedtime.
“Good night,” we sign to each other.
Sign Language
Sign Language is the main language of Deaf people.
But anyone can learn it.
Sign is like any other language, except it doesn’t have sounds.
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Sello speaks Sign Language
Author/s: Tebogo Matshana
Translator/s: Tebogo Matshana
Illustrator/s: Tebogo Matshana
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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