Reporting from lockdown
African Storybook
Khanyisa Masemola
This is the RX Radio Studio at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town.
RX Radio is a radio station run by kids, for kids. They usually broadcast from a studio at the hospital.
During lockdown, the studio was closed.
This is Akhona. She’s an RX Radio reporter. During lockdown, Akhona couldn’t record her show at the RX studio.
In her radio program, Akhona interviews people about issues affecting them.
She wanted to report about experiences of lockdown in her community.
But because of lockdown, Akhona couldn’t interview people in person.
So, she asked those in her community with cellphones to send her voice messages.
Then, Akhona recorded her show at home using her cellphone. Here are some of the messages she received.
Teacher Thuli’s message:
“I’m missing my learners so much! I have a WhatsApp group with parents, where I send work for learners.
I teach in an underprivileged area and not all parents have access to the internet. It’s a challenge.”
Riaz’s message:
“I have concerns about my health. Usually, disabled people have a weaker immune system.
As I’m wheelchair bound, I can’t wash my hands very often, but my family is very helpful. They make sure I always have hand sanitiser.”
Khethiwe’s message:
“At home we are quite a big family and amongst us there are essential workers, but they aren’t staying with us right now.
We keep praying for their safety, and ours too.”
Granny Gabbie’s message:
“I’m not a teacher, but now I have to teach two children at home. Both kids demand the same kind of attention.
So, the situation at home is extremely stressful. Luckily, we have good WiFi.”
Buhle’s message:
“This lockdown hasn’t really affected me because I am always home. I only leave when I go to school and church.
Lockdown has affected me in the sense that the only fresh air I get is in the yard.”
Lwazi’s message:
“A big problem that has come up is with my schooling. I was used to having a real teacher in front of me.
It is a little difficult to listen to a phone or watch a video of a teacher.”
Akhona is ready to record her radio show.
“Hello, this is Akhona, reporting from my bedroom. The sound quality might not be so great!
Today, we’ll hear how parents, teachers and children are coping with the lockdown…”


  1. Write the meaning of these words: underprivileged, immune system, essential.
  2. What challenge does Teacher Thuli have?
  3. Why is Riaz concerned about his health?
  4. Why is Granny Gabbie stressed?
  5. What is your advice to help Teacher Thuli, Riaz, and Granny Gabbie?

This storybook is based on reports for RX Radio. RX Radio is a children’s internet radio station, by and for children.
RX Radio operates from the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town.
RX Radio helps children to tell stories about issues important to them.
Visit RX Radio
Your attribution should include the following:
Title: Reporting from lockdown
Author/s: African Storybook
Illustrator/s: Khanyisa Masemola
Assurer/s: African Storybook
Language: English

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 BY   – Credit must be given to the creator