Anansi is a lazy spider.
He loves food, but he is too lazy to cook.
Anansi visits Rabbit and asks to share his vegetables.
"Yes. Help me with stirring," says Rabbit.
But Anansi is lazy.
"I will come back later," says Anansi.
Anansi ties some web around his leg and to Rabbit's pot.
"Pull the web when the greens are ready," says Anansi.
"Monkeys, can I share your beans?"
"Yes. Help us with chopping."
"I will come back," says Anansi.
He ties more web.
"Warthog, can I share your potatoes?"
"Yes. Help me with preparing."
"I will come back," says Anansi.
He ties more web.
Soon, each of Anansi's 8 legs is tied to a pot.
Anansi feels a pull on leg 2.
Then leg 3.
All 8 legs are being pulled!
"Stop pulling!" cries Anansi.
No one hears Anansi crying.
The webs break one by one.
Anansi's legs stretched!
And so all spiders have long thin legs.