Lost in the forest
Elianna Grace
Brian Wambi

There were two friends, Elianna and Hannah. They loved playing and taking walks together.

One day, they decided to go for a walk in the nearby forest.


As they walked, they saw a ripe mango on a tall tree. Elianna decided to climb the tree.

Hannah told her that the tree was too tall to reach the mango. "You could get hurt if you fall."


Elianna refused and went ahead to climb the tree.

Suddenly, Elianna fell down because the twig she was holding on for support was weak.

She injured her leg.


Hannah did not know what to do. Elianna was crying and feeling a lot of pain from her injury.

Hannah realized that they were lost and where they were no one could reach them. Elianna needed help quickly.


Hannah decided to carry Elianna home. Elianna was taken to the doctor and had her leg was put in a plaster.

The two friends could not take their walks together for two months.


After Elianna got well, they were allowed to take their walks again. They walked around the shopping centre and in trees.

Their parents told them to be very careful and avoid climbing any trees.

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Lost in the forest
Author - Elianna Grace
Illustration - Brian Wambi, Jesse Breytenbach
Language - English
Level - First paragraphs