Father, son and donkey
Tagel Aboneh
Adonay Gebru

A father, his son and their donkey started a long journey.

On the way, some people asked them why they didn't ride the donkey.


The father invited his son to ride the donkey while he walked.

They continued like this for a while.


Then, other people they met remarked, "Look at this rude boy riding a donkey while his father is walking!"


As a result, the son jumped down and his father rode the donkey.

They continued their journey.


After some time, other people said, "Look at this rude father riding a donkey while his son is walking!"


So the father and son decided to ride the donkey together.


But a few minutes later, some people remarked, "Look at these rude people! There are going to kill the donkey.


Finally, father and son understood that they could not escape from people's remarks.

They decided to use their own minds to do the right thing.

You are free to download, copy, translate or adapt this story and use the illustrations as long as you attribute in the following way:
Father, son and donkey
Author - Tagel Aboneh
Illustration - Adonay Gebru
Language - English
Level - First paragraphs